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Date Found: Wednesday, 20 January 2016, 12:13:33 PM

Comment: RTT: Another 7 yr cycle forecast!
Date Found: Thursday, 21 January 2016, 10:46:10 PM

Comment: SP500 target 1,100 before 2020.. at 40% drop!
Date Found: Friday, 22 January 2016, 04:41:49 PM

Comment: «There is a real chance of a bigger correction than many investors realize.» SELL the rallies :
Date Found: Friday, 22 January 2016, 05:00:49 PM

Comment: America's Most Closely Guarded Secret: The Covert Fund That Controls It ...RTT : WTF ..
Date Found: Sunday, 24 January 2016, 12:02:17 AM

Comment: VIDEO: www.pressreleaser...
Date Found: Sunday, 24 January 2016, 01:16:01 PM

Comment: Auckland's, New Zealand housing affordability has worsened, with the city climbing from the world's ninth most expensive city to fifth in a year. The annual Demographia survey, released today, compares prices to incomes in 367 cities. Auckland is one of the worst in the world due to extremely high house prices coupled with moderate wages. With a median price of $748,700, and a $77,500 median income, Auckland has a house price-wage multiple of of 9.7. RTT: Thanks to Chinese!
Date Found: Sunday, 24 January 2016, 01:35:46 PM

Comment: RTT: This is why the USD is strong, USD carry trade unwind. See junk debt then buy back USD to pay the US banks!
Date Found: Thursday, 28 January 2016, 01:48:54 PM

Comment: RTT: Stocks are NOT over valued. Look away! Yeah right!
Date Found: Saturday, 30 January 2016, 12:45:08 AM

Comment: RTT: 90% of all Chinese stock margin debt is at lest 50 to 1! Hope folks can pay! As these things are down!
Date Found: Saturday, 30 January 2016, 05:59:57 PM

Comment: David Haggith. Excellent
Date Found: Sunday, 31 January 2016, 02:13:09 AM

Comment: RTT: Brilliant!
Date Found: Sunday, 31 January 2016, 12:13:30 PM

Comment: RTT: Now BOJ goes NIRP, must be more dollar strength!
Date Found: Thursday, 04 February 2016, 08:49:59 PM

Comment: RTT: WTF, either the TNX is going to 0% or stocks way down, or a mix of both!
Date Found: Friday, 05 February 2016, 03:36:26 PM

Comment: RTT: Credit markets value SP500 near 1,350.. ouch!
Date Found: Saturday, 06 February 2016, 02:00:08 PM

Comment: James Turk: COMEX Bled DRY of Gold! MUST LISTEN!
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