Gann Angles
Long term channels...
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We are financial market enthusiasts using methods expressed by the Gann, Hurst and Wyckoff with a few of our own proprietary tools. provides online stock and index charts with commentary. We are not brokers, bankers, financial planners, hedge fund traders or investment advisors, we are private investors.
Comment: The Failed Science! Economics! Bogus stats and surveys used by bankers to commit fraud the common folks!
Comment: European banks going to ZERO
Comment: RTT: What the hell is going on with European banking stocks! What do they know!!!
Comment: The Neocons Do Not Want Peace In The World:Paul Craig Roberts
Comment: US Recession Alert : Too much mal-invested, Fed-fueled, hope-driven "if we build it, they will buy it" inventory... and not enough actual demand. This has never, ever, ended well in the past - so why is this time different? At 1.32x, the December inventories/sales ratio is drasticallyhigher than at year-end 2014 and is back at levels that have always coincided with recessions...
Comment: ..."We are in a down cycle that will end with crisis and calamity. China in today’s cycle is what US housing was during the financial crisis in 2008,” Zulauf warned. That capital outflows in China will continue, prompting regulators to devalue the yuan by as much as 15% to 20% within the year. When this happens, Asian economies which are heavily dependent on China—particularly Singapore—will suffer because Chinese corporates will cut their imports even more, while indebted Chinese com"..
Comment: All this SUGAR and we have deflation.A summary by BOA:..In short, monetary policies of..., 637 rate cuts since Bear Stearns, $12.3tn of asset purchases by global central banks in the past 8 years, $8.3tn of global government debt currently yielding 0% or less, 489 million people currently living in countries with official negative rates policies (i.e. Japan, Eurozone, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark), -0.92%, the most negative yield in the world (2-year Swiss government bond). RTT..PLAN = FAIL
Comment: RTT: The Deutsche Bank show is one to watch. Everyone says they will nationalize it! Yeah Right! With $66 trillion of derivatives. no political risk for the Govt, yeah right!
Comment: RTT Bankers passing on bad paper to the tax payer! We are all debt slaves now!
Comment: Gold Performance In Deflation - Mike Maloney RTT: Must watch! Gold does well in extreme deflation and extreme inflation, it is the muddle in the middle when it struggles.
Comment: RTT: What a joke! Monetary policy does not create DEMAND, it just changes the price. The Economist is know a MAD Magazine!
Comment: RTT: Pick a money printing clown? See if you can spot one! Any one!
Comment: RTT: China does not have a debt problem! Look away! ha ha! $520 BN new debt in 30 days! Think like this, the teenager has the credit card!
Comment: Marc Faber: Over 5 Thousand Years We've Never Had Negative Rates POINT: Look away !
Comment: RTT: 35 yr Cycle, is near twice the 18.3 yr Kuznets Cycle. And its still working.