Previous Post: Richard Wyckoff logic not working, this maybe why? PART 1
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We are financial market enthusiasts using methods expressed by the Gann, Hurst and Wyckoff with a few of our own proprietary tools. provides online stock and index charts with commentary. We are not brokers, bankers, financial planners, hedge fund traders or investment advisors, we are private investors.
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Comment: $5,000 per oz Gold in Coming Bubble! - Resource Investment Expert Marin
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Comment: Selected European Banks Whatever the outcome of the Brexit referendum next week, it would appear that nothing can stop a systemic crisis developing in Europe. The two issues are unrelated, though Brexit could be blamed as a trigger. Brexit will come and go, but a European banking failure will remain with us, whatever happens on June 23rd.
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Comment: Japan's long yields on the road to zero. 40-year falls to record 0.08%, some 80% of JGB market is now sub-zero!
Comment: Say what! Holy cow batman!
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Comment: 10 to 1 volume days