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Original Post: https://ift.tt/2wVdQgI
We are financial market enthusiasts using methods expressed by the Gann, Hurst and Wyckoff with a few of our own proprietary tools. Readtheticker.com provides online stock and index charts with commentary. We are not brokers, bankers, financial planners, hedge fund traders or investment advisors, we are private investors.
Comment: WTF ??? Inflation fear, or higher rates on massive debt blow up fear
Comment: The growing downward momentum in the U.S. dollar’s 15-year cycle could trigger the most dangerous investment climate for euro-based investors in several decade RTT: Investment in Germany export business would be high risk, debt risk sky rockets
Comment: Who's ya daddy now!
Comment: This is good to know!
Comment: Breaking in 1, 2, 3
Comment: Breaking 1,2,3
Comment: RTT: Humans cant do this with out MACHINE HELP !
Comment: Sh*tcoin and Buttcoin youtu.be/CAmd0enttBw
Comment: Nomi Prins - Debt Will Ultimately be Destructor of the System youtu.be/5uAmHS-Tc64 RTT: The FED is scared to death about the tapper, they wont do it! Unless they want to crush TRUMP!
Comment: Imagine the Silk Road Pub crawl
Comment: TRUMP Economic adviser Larry Kudlow said expect US 10 yr near 3.5% on the back of all the new govt spending and GDP, well he maybe correct. Stocks will crack ??
Comment: RTT: Expect a massive CUP and HANDLE to form.
Comment: A different view on the Swiss, youtu.be/54Q3MeNYV3w
Comment: Before Italian elections Draghi is doing this "whatever it takes." BUYING EVERY BOND! Of course if this was normal times, Italy would be zombie land.
Comment: The Banks Have A Secret, The Black Market Central Bank Has Kept The System alive youtu.be/kegvVTeeZzU