Tuesday, 30 October 2018

RTT browsing latest..

Please review a collection of WWW browsing results.

Date Found: Tuesday, 22 May 2018, 05:00:05 AM

Comment: This indicator in early May turned negative – signaling an upcoming global earnings recession. Yet at the time, the mainstream completely ignored this – if they even followed this indicator in the first place.

Date Found: Tuesday, 22 May 2018, 04:09:23 PM

Comment: Finally, the SMART money just started dumping its stocks again...MORE selling into the close

Date Found: Saturday, 26 May 2018, 04:24:50 AM

Comment: AI: The Greatest Job Disruptor in History Now! RTT: Yeah Right!, just like EMAIL removed A4 paper, Ai will do the Sh*t jobs only, cause they can not vote! youtu.be/hDO1OR3WWaQ

Date Found: Sunday, 27 May 2018, 02:41:10 AM

Comment: CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS BLACK BUDGET BITCOIN & MIND CONTROL! DARK JOURNALIST Bitcoin a Central bank operation, speculate for as long as they need the coders to scale up for World wide use, clever bankers youtu.be/ULkXEmMqgzs

Date Found: Monday, 28 May 2018, 06:25:31 PM

Comment: Danielle DiMartino Booth: How and why central banks need to normalize youtu.be/Np-9MOAl8QY

Date Found: Wednesday, 30 May 2018, 12:45:45 AM

Comment: Got gold

Date Found: Friday, 01 June 2018, 03:52:28 AM

Comment: Interesting

Date Found: Saturday, 02 June 2018, 03:06:24 PM

Comment: Correlation is NOT causation, BUT is it??? Sherlock

Date Found: Saturday, 02 June 2018, 03:24:58 PM

Comment: Suggests Dow could fall 5% to 20%

Date Found: Saturday, 02 June 2018, 04:46:20 PM

Comment: GSR interviews Dr PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS - May 31 2018 youtu.be/91_hzNsB3bI

Date Found: Friday, 08 June 2018, 09:14:44 PM

Comment: Chinese Gold Bond Possibilities, and Crypto | Alasdair Macleod youtu.be/Y4nMWbtnCkk

Date Found: Tuesday, 12 June 2018, 08:52:36 PM

Comment: Grab her by the chop sticks!

Date Found: Wednesday, 13 June 2018, 01:57:34 PM

Comment: The last time buy backs hit these levels was 2007...does history rhyme or just repeat?

Date Found: Saturday, 16 June 2018, 06:17:32 PM


Date Found: Saturday, 16 June 2018, 09:38:48 PM

Comment: This is on the table!

Original Post: https://ift.tt/2Q0PCa2

Thursday, 25 October 2018

Kitchin Cycle warned of market volatility

Here are some names of cycle masters: Kondratieff, Dewey, Kitchin, to name just a few. Cycles are in all matters of life, including the SP500.

From Wiki

.."Joseph Kitchin (1861–1932) was a British businessman and statistician. Analyzing American and English interest rates and other data, Kitchin found evidence for a short business cycle of about 40 months.[1] His publications led to other business cycle theories by later economists such as Nikolai Kondratieff, Simon Kuznets, and Joseph Schumpeter"..

If you are a regular stock market watcher, you will notice during cycle up swings the media, bloggers, tweets are all positive and talk about the next 50% upward move, and during cycle down swings it is the exact opposite, doom and gloom and a crash is near. Some call this a measure 'sentiment', and determining when the market changes in sentiment is the basis of creating wealth. 

The news breaking now is : 
- Amazon earnings profit jump, but shares slump
- Caterpillar stock falls as warning of peak earnings
- 3M peak earnings

Great earnings, but stock slide, this is cycle ending type news. The massive story behind these news headlines is the US economy is changing back to pre-globalism. This is US producers switching from foreign commodities and parts to local sources. For example Ford, switched from Chinese steel to US steel, and will suffer the increase costs. The cost will be pushed on to consumers, resulting in inflation.

This is the US economy changing from a low cost external sourced raw material to a more internal higher cost sourced economy. In short this is transferring GDP from out side the US to inside the US, this will result in more local jobs and eventually inflation. This is the TRUMP plan which is better for main street, not so good for (1) Wall street, (2) those foreign sources who relied on the US demand engine and (3) the massive debt financing the globalism model.

The debt in emerging markets and China is growing in riskier every day. This fundamental change in the massive US demand model has yet to be played out in equity markets fully. 

The Kitchin Cycle suggest the unwinding of the leverage behind Globalism to American First policy has only just begun. After all globalism has been in operation for 40 years, hence you can expect at least 2 to 4 years of adjustment. No wonder the bankers and globalists CEO's do not donate to TRUMP 'make a America super dooper again'. And you can not blame the US middle class, they missed out on their billions, as globalism went to far, stripping out GDP from the heartland. Now the economic pendulum is swinging back (well while Trump is in power) and the change will bring pain to those who lose.

POINT: The point is the globalism leverage will crash. You can not make an American First omelet without breaking a few globalist eggs. Yes, this process will be messy, and the stock market will not be able to hide from it, after all 45% off all SP500 revenue comes from globalist activities (i.e exports). 

Investors will eventually rotate into defensive sectors: Bonds and metals. Watch for the change as the Kitchin cycle swings down. 

Here is a reminder how 'Wall Street Works'

.."The investing public are the sheep, the broker is sheep dog, the farmer is the back room strategist, and the paddock gate is the point of commission. Moving from one paddock to another is the change from one investing theme to another, and if the sheep do not move fast enough the sheep dog scares them enough to move. Yes this is Wall Street in its purest form!"..

POINT: Try to be first through the gate, and stay of trucks going to the meat works!

The SPY with Kitchin cycle (readtheticker.com allows members to draw all cycle types): 

Cycle SPY1

A shorter cycle example

SPY cycle 2

Original Post: https://ift.tt/2JhUp4e

Friday, 19 October 2018

History Rhymes with the Dow

The next 10 years, or even the next 2 years will not be like any of the years in the past 10. Risk is moving closer and closer to the surface.

More from RTT Tv

Market risks coming to the surface:

1) Higher interest rates.

2) US Congress control.

3) China vs USA in trade.

4) World wide Leverage.

5) World wide liquidity issues.

6) US Pensions.

7) Corporate bond market.

8) Emerging markets.

To name a few.

In the past it was look away, nothing to see here. Well things change, nothing stays the same, such is life.

The point of our video this week: To bet on a massive change in volatility is most likely the easiest bet of all.

Charts in video: 


Will we get spurts of volatility like the above (either up or down), or all at once like below. 


Original Post: https://ift.tt/2P7QFb6

Friday, 12 October 2018

No Bids In This Market

Market Warning Oct 2018!

More RTT Tv

Over the years markets change, but in the end liquidity is liquidity, if you do not have it, markets move like a penny stock. We are all penny stocks now!



Original Post: https://ift.tt/2pOpT9e

Wednesday, 10 October 2018

SP500 sell off well forecast by President Trump

TRUMP said 'we may have to take a hit!. No kidding, with stocks at extreme all time highs, add on the trade wars and you are surely to upset the worlds demand engine (i.e China).
image1 Of course you can not change anything with out breaking a few conventions, therefore investors can not be blind to changes in asset prices as president Trump made his intentions very clear.

An investor must understand how the markets work, we know algo's work the intra-day market to the upside and after the SP500 95 pt sell off today it looks like they work to the down side. Plus Mr Market wants to find out the level of Powell 'fed put' is. Is it like Mrs Yellen at -10% ? Or is much lower. The things we are about to learn!

Maybe the SP500 sell off is the Democrats move against the US president, as he has owned the 2018 rally? If it is President Trump warned all investors on June 4th 2018

.."I’m not saying there won’t be a little pain so we might lose a little of it but we’re going to have a much stronger country when we’re finished, and that’s what I’m all about."..

Knock on effects of a SP500 sell off greater than -12% are: 

1) Pensions risk.
2) The debt on share buy backs risk.
3) US Govt tax receipts via capital gains risk.
4) Allows a transfer of funds from stocks to bonds.
5) Will quantitative tightening turn into quantitative easing?

Now for those over 40 years of age, (like the author), you know this market is just 'Nuts' and exponential upwards markets always (not some, but all) end the same way.

Like the soldiers at Bastogne during WW2 the only way Mr Market can be rescued is by General 'Fed' Powell's QE4 (a maybe). 

A reminder, remember Bitcoins exponential rally: $5000, $10,000, $15,000 on its way to $100,000. It too succumbed to market laws and a +50% correction followed. Folks this is normal. Individual stocks may retrace +50%, but do not worry the central planners will do all they can to slow down and limit leading indexes corrections. 

Below we have Apple, Amazon and Bitcoin with Gann Angles applied. Gann angles show time and price performance: how many units of price and time represent trend action. Then you add Fibonacci arcs to measure future resistance levels, nice, know you have an excellent 'tell me no lies' indicator.

A good market bet: Eventually Amazon and Apple will succumb to market laws and correct substantially. Is it today, who knows, we wait for more evidence to arrive on the chart to decide that!


and ...


and ...


Original Post: https://ift.tt/2A2W5Mf

Thursday, 4 October 2018

Bond Market, Houston we have a problem!

A bond bear market approaches, asset classes around the world will react.

Low interest rate world is coming to an end, it has to, however the period of change will not be plain sailing. 

Bond vs stocks

Original Post: https://ift.tt/2yiaaTK

Tuesday, 2 October 2018

RTT browsing latest..

Please review a collection of WWW browsing results.

Date Found: Friday, 27 April 2018, 09:15:30 PM

Comment: Alan Newman: US Stock Markets in Topping Process Now, Followed By a 50% correction youtu.be/1hXBXJy_eic

Date Found: Saturday, 28 April 2018, 01:27:53 AM

Comment: Ha ha ha !

Date Found: Saturday, 28 April 2018, 02:12:33 PM

Comment: Very True...

Date Found: Sunday, 29 April 2018, 10:00:56 PM

Comment: So higher $USD means down pressure on OIL, Oil $70 may be top for a while.

Date Found: Monday, 30 April 2018, 09:09:41 PM

Comment: These Charts Show Why Bitcoin Is Headed To The Moon | CNBC RTT: Moon better not move! youtu.be/q5ZfPTgf7FQ

Date Found: Friday, 04 May 2018, 12:18:45 AM

Comment: "Incestuous" Monetary Policy vs Jay Powell’s Credibility RTT" Jes wayne stop the honesty youtu.be/EtJqi0XczEk

Date Found: Friday, 04 May 2018, 09:23:06 PM

Comment: Spooky, if so inflation is upon us! (Hat tip Raoul Paul)

Date Found: Tuesday, 08 May 2018, 03:39:52 PM

Comment: Steve Keen - FINANCIAL CRISIS, TRUMP 2018-2019, CRASH IS NOW RTT Economic lessons from history are the best. youtu.be/DyrDbmuhfH4

Date Found: Wednesday, 09 May 2018, 03:47:27 PM

Comment: Michael Pento - Super Spike In Precious Metals Coming RTT I am scared sh*tless!

Date Found: Thursday, 10 May 2018, 06:43:48 PM

Comment: Nice!

Date Found: Wednesday, 16 May 2018, 03:21:08 PM

Comment: WTF!!!!

Date Found: Wednesday, 16 May 2018, 03:22:12 PM

Comment: Look Away, Nothing to see here!

Date Found: Wednesday, 16 May 2018, 05:29:31 PM

Comment: David Moadel: Cryptos, Silver & Marijuana Stocks Will Outperform The Res... youtu.be/ZiVz4Hz1yrU

Date Found: Friday, 18 May 2018, 03:16:01 PM

Comment: another US recession warning: Oil vs Reserves held at FED , 2yr YOY%

Date Found: Tuesday, 22 May 2018, 04:55:57 AM

Comment: Fun Fun.. ECB better buy faster!

Original Post: https://ift.tt/2DQNqAm