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Reference from video content link: HyperWave
Silver match up:
And a reminder of Bitcoin cycle.
Another view (no association)
And more here (take note around the 5 min mark on OTC)
Original Post: https://ift.tt/2SgWPn0
We are financial market enthusiasts using methods expressed by the Gann, Hurst and Wyckoff with a few of our own proprietary tools. Readtheticker.com provides online stock and index charts with commentary. We are not brokers, bankers, financial planners, hedge fund traders or investment advisors, we are private investors.
And more here (take note around the 5 min mark on OTC)
Comment: The FED to increase rate with the above numbers, yeah right! If they do wont be for long!
Comment: Bubble bubble, pop!
Comment: Craig Hemke - Parabolic Global Debt Will Collapse Bullion Bank System youtu.be/L5tdGmyVjtk
Comment: Removing The Private Central Bank Is A Challenge, Those Who Tried Were shot! youtu.be/5-3a9k-utdw
Comment: Fred Hickey: There's Now Another Technology Bubble Far Larger Than The 2000 youtu.be/OwNu3s6Ikvc
Comment: Its different this time dude!
Comment: Another view
Comment: Mind The Trap Door: When overvalued, overbought, overbullish market action is joined by unfavorable market internals, tepid participation among individual stocks, a confirmed Hindenburg syndrome, and a recent leadership reversal.
Comment: This is easily the most important chart in macro, & signals the most important macro rule change in 70 yrs. Those citing risks of "foreign UST buying boycotts" ignoring that global CBs haven't bought USTs in 4 yrs. Mainstream just now starting to realize this
Comment: Liftoff? Nearly 30 years of monthly price data says that the price of $GOLD strengthens through the next 3 months.
Comment: Strong dollar hurts EPS, not to mention exports troubles form tariffs
Comment: Smart Money Flow Index drops to lowest since Aug. 2011 Still falling! Do you really believe gold sell off!
Comment: Danielle DiMartino Booth of Quill Intelligence on RT Boom Bust, ECB screwed, youtu.be/Kx86tE8uQ4k
Comment: A large move, but which way! Up or down! If up then its a rotation out of the major trends (ie Tech), if not and its down, and major trends re afirmed!
Comment: Do these ever work?
.."Joseph Kitchin (1861–1932) was a British businessman and statistician. Analyzing American and English interest rates and other data, Kitchin found evidence for a short business cycle of about 40 months.[1] His publications led to other business cycle theories by later economists such as Nikolai Kondratieff, Simon Kuznets, and Joseph Schumpeter"..