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Original Post: http://bit.ly/30Yz4Ft
We are financial market enthusiasts using methods expressed by the Gann, Hurst and Wyckoff with a few of our own proprietary tools. Readtheticker.com provides online stock and index charts with commentary. We are not brokers, bankers, financial planners, hedge fund traders or investment advisors, we are private investors.
Comment: And if stocks fall, US house holds can afford USTs Ouch!
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Comment: Central bank BOOM and BUST!
Comment: Global recession (unless world wide QE) arriving in 2019
Comment: Richard Wyckoff .."I love bases"..
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Comment: Get rid of ALGOs to improve liquidtiy! youtu.be/cjrtwUpfM98
Comment: David Skarica: Explosion in Gold Price on the Horizon youtu.be/APFR5RC9Gls
Comment: Lance Roberts: The Case For A 50% Market Correction youtu.be/DH-6Cxz0NgQ
Comment: Everything You Know About Gold, Throw It Out The Window youtu.be/xyIg4QFU24E
Comment: Ooops! Dont 47% off all revenues come from outside USA? Looks over priced!