Jesse Livermore said investors must familiarise themselves with all matters of the market. The sine wave cycle below shows regular tops and bottoms and if the investor ignores this repeating phenomena it could be at their peril. If you decide to do so, you best have a good technical or fundamental reason.
The sine wave cycle below was found with readtheticker.com 'Cycle Finder Spectrum' use of 'Bartels' logic. Yes it is mathematics, but within the site RTT Plus service we also examine the dollar fundamentals (like: inflation, money supply, banking risk, interest rates, market risk) and subject to another market like COVID19 smash the fundamentals suggest a slump in the US dollar in the immediate short term future.
The question remains how deep the dollar slump is likely to be. Cycle are good for forecasting periods of peaks and troughs, the size of the extension or the depth of a slump is a little more tricky, and if the DXY holds above $90 then a bullish pattern remains as a higher low remains, below will make life very interesting.
A lower US dollar does act as stimulus to risk on assets, and it is no surprise the current Trump White House welcomes higher asset prices prior to November 2020 elections. Yes! You can accept the white glove of the White House inked up the printing presses to make it so, and we can assume they have gallons of ink.
Chart Review ..
- Sine Wave cycle
- Sine Wave with DPO (Detrending Price Osc)
- Momentum Osc synced with cycles.
Original Post: https://ift.tt/39nqrJ6