Lending money to a country requires the same logic.
The red line below (Chart 1) has a simple meaning.
1) Rising : Percentage gains of federal tax receipts are greater than percentage gains of federal debt.
2) Falling : Percentage gains of federal tax receipts are less than percentage gains of federal debt.
3) Pivots : Changes in direction. Resulting in trend changes to gold and the Federal Reserve funds rate.
POINT: If the red line is rising the lenders of money to the USA are confident of interest payments, if the red line is falling confidence in receiving interest payments declines, or a sovereign debt crisis!
Lets review major pivot periods.
2001: Tax receipts collapsed going into US recession of 2001/02*
2007: Tax receipts collapsed going into US recession of 2008/09*
2015: Tax receipts collapsed going into the slump of 2016 (China slow down, US Elections)*
2023: Pending: Tax receipts are forecast to collapse in 2023 H2 (see 2s10s yield curve recession forecast)
* In these years US debt to GDP moved higher after initial slow down.
Chart 1
The red line in the chart 1 highlights the forecasting of federal tax receipts and debt are very important to the trends of gold and federal funds rate. @LukeGromen (twitter) monitors tax receipts (chart 2), and the trend leader for US tax receipts is California, USA. Forecast is that tax receipts are falling hard.
POINT: This means the red line is about to fall hard starting ion 2023 Q1, just like the other years quoted above. Good for gold, and it will also force the FED to cut the FED Funds rate.
Chart 2
Falling tax receipts with out massive spending cuts results in more debt (chart 3). Just when the rest of the world does not want to buy US debt. This may force the FED to be the buyer of last resort once more.
Chart 3
Original Post: https://ift.tt/HD3AKFm