Previous Post: Bitcoin is so like 1979 silver
The chart below shows how similar each story is.
Mr Market knows this, therefore the desire to enter this market is low, and lower prices will plaque Bitcoin for the next 18 months at least. The supply of coins into this market will continue, and prices will continue to fall, there may be bear market rallies along the way, and the good news is the patient (yip that word) long term investors will have the chance to accumulate coins at pre 2017 bubble launch zones (massive support zones).
The first massive bubble can be tagged as the 'NEW IDEA CONCEPT' rally, the next rally will be its 'USE CONCEPT' move. Those coins or tokens which do not attract a market use will fade away into history.
There is a powerful force under the bitcoin market, this has been proved by massive money turning up during climactic sell offs. It is our view Bitcoin will not go to ZERO, however it may go to massive support zones and slump around for some time. The internet is still using a fiat payment system which travels through many banks (and fees associated with it) therefore the true internet money has yet to be solidified. Bitcoin (and Litecoin [in our view]) are heavy weight contenders!
Original Post: http://bit.ly/2CDhjjE
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