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Australia to enter a very sad period
Power of Mean Reversion with the Aussie ASX
The video below explains the main fundamentals concerning the Australian equity and currency markets.
On a possible US or World recession.
If a US recession does happen (say) late 2019/20, ASX will catch more than a cough, it will be most likely be the full blown bird flue. We also know China will not hold up. Easy money (QE) may not be the magic pill, because the numbers required to cover the debt may be too great. A reminder China printed 18% of their GDP (about $1.5T USD) in 2009, and you think the US Federal Reserve saved the day with their tiny $700 BN to a few private investment banks! ha!
Grant Williams talk ( about 18 min in from start)
Most recent All Ord Chart!
Historic chart showing multiple 5 waves up
Good Luck Aussie!
Original Post: http://bit.ly/2RYr9Y1
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