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Ref: US Crypto Holders Only Have a Few Days to Reply to the IRS 6173 Letter
Today's news from the US IRS has been blamed for the recent price slump, yet the bitcoin fractal like the gold fractal suggest the market players have set bitcoin up for a slump to $9000 USD long before the IRS news hit the wire.
Get the impression some market players missed out on the bitcoin rally from $4000 to $14000 and now welcome (planned for) bearish news to create a price slump to be able to accumulate bitcoin at a very good discount. Still reluctant to believe this market strategy, then please review the gold chart from 2011 to 2019, it goes like this: market top, slump, 6 years of consolidation (accumulation), now 2019 price breakout. Looks like bitcoin is going to suffer the same game play as gold, sure it may not be 6 years, but possibly 6 months. We watch and wait.
Chart in the video.
Original Post: https://ift.tt/2PcbiEr
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