Sunday, 26 January 2020

Top Patterns for Retail Investors

Retail investors are last in line for market leading research, no matter, the retail investor can profit from these secret sauce patterns.

Well not so secret now, the main point is you do not have to climb Mount Everest to be called a mountain climber, there are many other hills to climb to make your mark. Just like stocks.

You do not have to battle with the high frequency traders to win in the markets, there are long and slow methods to do just as well.  

More from RTT Tv

Some charts from the video

Pattern 1


Pattern 2


The video shows off some stocks of future trades.

Original Post:

Tuesday, 21 January 2020

RTT browsing latest..

Please review a collection of WWW browsing results.
image1 The information here is delayed by a few months, members get the most recent content.

Date Found: Monday, 16 September 2019, 05:22:48 PM

Comment: This chart says SP500 should go back to 2016 levels (overshoot will occur of course)

Date Found: Tuesday, 17 September 2019, 01:53:30 AM

Comment: This would be gold!

Date Found: Wednesday, 18 September 2019, 01:40:53 AM

Comment: QE good for Gold (subject to US Govt 33000 naked short sale in 2013)

Date Found: Friday, 20 September 2019, 03:27:25 AM

Comment: Otavio (Tavi) Costa @TaviCosta8hThis is huge. 30-year yield vs. core CPI at its lowest level since 1980s! 10-year real yield? Same. Plunging as they did in mid

Date Found: Saturday, 21 September 2019, 02:54:49 AM

Comment: Inventories go up because (1) You cant sell the stuff, forecast demand incorrectly or (2) you are anticipating strong future demand, hence the build up: Most likely (1) in this case! Concur!

Date Found: Saturday, 21 September 2019, 11:37:06 PM

Comment: MOST IMPORTANT chart in the world, US is lagging interest rate cuts vs rest of world major central banks. Is the FED forcing a recession (anti TRUMP ??). FED must cut 50bps NOW to normalize.

Date Found: Tuesday, 24 September 2019, 07:00:06 AM

Comment: Wait what? You can bet on a NO DEAL BREXIT BMW wants to sell cars to UK. UK get ready to BOOM! Real buying power coming your way! Pound to get stronger!

Date Found: Wednesday, 25 September 2019, 02:31:12 AM

Comment: CEO worried about their OPTION pay outs! Hmmm!

Date Found: Thursday, 26 September 2019, 06:08:45 PM

Comment: ssssh Buyback Ponzi still working...low finance costs, risinh SP500 ..Winning for now!

Date Found: Thursday, 26 September 2019, 06:15:15 PM

Comment: Only a recession breaks the corporate debt boom!

Date Found: Thursday, 26 September 2019, 10:52:47 PM

Comment: Easy money ON, Easy Money Off, Do they do this on purpose?

Date Found: Saturday, 28 September 2019, 02:55:39 AM

Comment: Forecast FED balance sheet to $12T, on next crisis (Dan Amerman)

Date Found: Saturday, 28 September 2019, 07:54:10 AM

Comment: CBO Forecast  - UST creation is huge US dollar supply .. over supply means dollar down (subject to US interest rates vs Rest of world interest rates)

Date Found: Monday, 30 September 2019, 05:59:35 PM

Comment: Tell me no lies! Looks like another recession is near ... doom drums beat! Maybe ... The Great Pension Crisis of 20XX ??

Date Found: Tuesday, 01 October 2019, 01:15:28 AM

Comment: South Korea (Bell Weather for Global Demand) suffers deflation FOR THE FIRST TIME ...WOW

Original Post:

Sunday, 19 January 2020

SP500 Kitchin Cycle Review

The biggest known news date in the next 18 months is the US Election. The biggest unknown news date is when the US believes it is in a economic recession.

The Kitchin Cycle is still working.

We must conclude the major 900 period low is now in, and we are now in a up swing, which may top out ate 2020 or late 2021. Any future top out may only generate a 10% to 20% correction, of course this can be deemed very mild. This is expected, but the expected does always play out. 

Rolling the dice to get '7' does not always work. Post US elections seasonal's aligned with a poor start of the decade seasonal trends, add on high global recession risk, add on a stock market slump tends to occur in the years ending 9,1,2,3,4 (like 1973, 1982, 1991, 2001, 2009 are all recession years), markets may get very interesting.

Season1 Season1

We will continue to watch the Kitchin cycle with interest. 

SP500 cycle

The pullbacks in the SP500 have really tested below 20% over the 10+ year period. This very strange for such a long period of time, is it the algo's or the FED's trading team. Who knows! However the point is if price ever gets below 20% on a weekly close then you can bet the following sell off will be spectacular. 

SP500 stop loss

Original Post:

Thursday, 9 January 2020

Gold Gann Angle Update

The new year of 2020 has gold is poised to break out higher. Why is gold going higher? Maybe the FED's economists can explain .... or not.

Maybe these could be on the list:

- FED repo hundreds of billions a day.
- ECB made up tools to keep the European banks solvent.
- A sugar high stock market with Apple Inc and Microsoft looking like Bitcoin 2017.
- The US bond market is NOT confirming a strong stock market.
- Corporate profits have flat lined for 3 years while stocks soared each year.
- Knowing an US election year needs stimulus, and a lower US dollar is a first choice.
- China deal, will have a currency element to make it easier to do business. Lower US dollar.

Gold Gann Angle 

Gold Gann

Gold Channel showing long term trend

Gold channel

Original Post:

Wednesday, 1 January 2020

Currency and Metals could be the big movers early in 2020

Trump is doing his trade thing with China, and part of the 2020 agreement will be a resolution of the US dollar.
image1 A weaker US dollar is on the table, as it helps both Trump and Xi. The COT reports gives us a huge hint this is about to happen early in 2020.

More from RTT Tv

Chart from the video


Lyn Alden makes a great point in this thread about the Dec 2019 repo news.

For years, large U.S. banks were drawing down cash levels (15% to 7% of assets in last 5yr) to buy treasuries (from 15% to 21% of assets). But now they are basically at regulatory limits; can't draw down cash to buy more treasuries. So, the Fed became the new buyer of them.

and ..

A lot of people think the Fed is trying to support the equity market, or covering for a bank/fund failure somewhere. Those explanations are possible, but not required. The Fed simply taking over as the primary financier of U.S. deficits is a mathematically sufficient reason.

Luke Gromen sums up the argument for a lower US dollar.

It is election year in the USA and to stimulate into Nov 2020 he needs a economic boost. Trump can not get tax cuts, or infrastructure spending out of congress, he is left with the FED balance sheet and a lower US dollar. They are about to step up big time.

Original Post: