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Date Found: Monday, 16 September 2019, 05:22:48 PM

Comment: This chart says SP500 should go back to 2016 levels (overshoot will occur of course)
Date Found: Tuesday, 17 September 2019, 01:53:30 AM

Comment: This would be gold!
Date Found: Wednesday, 18 September 2019, 01:40:53 AM

Comment: QE good for Gold (subject to US Govt 33000 naked short sale in 2013)
Date Found: Friday, 20 September 2019, 03:27:25 AM

Comment: Otavio (Tavi) Costa @TaviCosta8hThis is huge. 30-year yield vs. core CPI at its lowest level since 1980s! 10-year real yield? Same. Plunging as they did in mid
Date Found: Saturday, 21 September 2019, 02:54:49 AM

Comment: Inventories go up because (1) You cant sell the stuff, forecast demand incorrectly or (2) you are anticipating strong future demand, hence the build up: Most likely (1) in this case! Concur!
Date Found: Saturday, 21 September 2019, 11:37:06 PM

Comment: MOST IMPORTANT chart in the world, US is lagging interest rate cuts vs rest of world major central banks. Is the FED forcing a recession (anti TRUMP ??). FED must cut 50bps NOW to normalize.
Date Found: Tuesday, 24 September 2019, 07:00:06 AM

Comment: Wait what? You can bet on a NO DEAL BREXIT BMW wants to sell cars to UK. UK get ready to BOOM! Real buying power coming your way! Pound to get stronger!
Date Found: Wednesday, 25 September 2019, 02:31:12 AM

Comment: CEO worried about their OPTION pay outs! Hmmm!
Date Found: Thursday, 26 September 2019, 06:08:45 PM

Comment: ssssh Buyback Ponzi still working...low finance costs, risinh SP500 ..Winning for now!
Date Found: Thursday, 26 September 2019, 06:15:15 PM

Comment: Only a recession breaks the corporate debt boom!
Date Found: Thursday, 26 September 2019, 10:52:47 PM

Comment: Easy money ON, Easy Money Off, Do they do this on purpose?
Date Found: Saturday, 28 September 2019, 02:55:39 AM

Comment: Forecast FED balance sheet to $12T, on next crisis (Dan Amerman)
Date Found: Saturday, 28 September 2019, 07:54:10 AM

Comment: CBO Forecast - UST creation is huge US dollar supply .. over supply means dollar down (subject to US interest rates vs Rest of world interest rates)
Date Found: Monday, 30 September 2019, 05:59:35 PM

Comment: Tell me no lies! Looks like another recession is near ... doom drums beat! Maybe ... The Great Pension Crisis of 20XX ??
Date Found: Tuesday, 01 October 2019, 01:15:28 AM

Comment: South Korea (Bell Weather for Global Demand) suffers deflation FOR THE FIRST TIME ...WOW
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